Alexander Tetelbaum (born 1948 in Kiev, Ukraine) is an educator, inventor, scientist, academician, and entrepreneur. He has been a pioneer[1] in the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) industry since the 1960s. He has been selected and has held high level positions in academia and industry. He is a Fellow and Honorary Doctor of several universities, academies, and societies. He holds more than 30 US patents and is the author and co-author of 250 publications, including 8 books. Tetelbaum was Professor of Design Automation and a Distinguished Scientist at the National Technical University of Ukraine. In 1991, he founded and presided over the International Solomon University. He has served as a reviewer for the American Mathematical Society since 1994.
Tetelbaum was selected for inclusion in Who's Who in the World, Men of Achievement, Who's Who in Technology, Who's Who in American Education, 5000 Personalities of the World, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, The International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, Longman Reference on Research Directories. His hobbies include oil painting, beach volleyball, chess, solving and developing puzzles in non-standard thinking and critical problem solving. Aliases: Alexander Y. Tetelbaum, Aleksander Tetelbaum, Russian: Алеκсандр Яковлевич Тетельбаум, Ukrainian: Олеκсандр Якович Тетельбаум.